Selected projects
Art direction, Cover design, Poster design, Photography, Visual identity design, Video directing
Art Covers & Posters
Baika needs music as the plants - sun. Almost as a biological necessity, like "good morning” and “good night”. It’s a fundamental layer of our very existence and it always will be. When working on Music related projects, we are finding our playground, where we feel safe, where the time stops. Here below a selection of those moments.
Music Videos
Growing up with MTV made us video clip addicts and a part of the "music videos" culture, the ones that killed the radio star, those guys. The list is neverending. Compared to designing an art cover, doing a musical video is like taking a train to an unknown place - you know where are you going, but you’ll never know where you’ll get.
Skopje Jazz Festival, Macedonia
Poster design
Pink No Color, France
Cover design
Cézame Music Agency, France
Logo design
Duke Bojadziev, Macedonia/ USA
Cover design